Journalist: Khairul Akmal from Berita Harian Sg

My thoughts:

The shift in how our Malay children acquire and use language meant that we always have to find new ways of engaging them. We know that we are not the first, and we are not alone in getting our young children to speak and understand Malay, and be equally proficient in English. We must find better ways to engage them bearing in mind that some of our children do not speak their so-called mother tongue as native speakers of the language anymore, and that is a fact that we have to accept.

When we see many interesting, exciting, and effective English phonics and enrichment programs that can encourage our young to grasp the English language easily, we at UNGU PEN aspire to do the same. Hence, Kawan Haiwan’s animal friends’ alphabet was born.

From here, we develop the Kawan Haiwan workshop with the Kawan Haiwan Big Books and Readers Series. Our journey is still works in progress, and we hope that one day, we can train educators and parents to use our Kawan Haiwan program in school and at home. We can’t do it alone. It takes a village to raise a child to be effectively bilingual. However, parents are still your children’s first teachers.

For now, our Bengkel Kawan Haiwan and Bengkel Jaguh Bahasa are happening this 29 Jun and 7 Jul respectively. We look forward to your children joining us. For more info, email

Credit goes to journalist @Khairul Akmal for the feature in @BeritaHarianSg SPH Media

#raisingreaders #raisingilmuseekers #malayenrichment #Bilingualism #sgpreschool #sghomeschooling #sgphonics #fonikbahasamelayu