These are our recommendations of Malay books for young children to get them started with reading the Malay language. We consider these books as first step into reading Bahasa Melayu.

Of course, this list is not exhaustive as there are many other books out there. However, you have to read and review them first. Here are our favourites and we carry most of these titles on our website. There are 47 titles in the list, which is not sufficient to be at any form of fluency of BM, however, this is the first step.

Get into the habit of exposing these books to your kids.


Di sini, kami rekomen buku kanak-kanak Melayu yang kebanyakan ditulis oleh penulis Singapura. Terdapat banyak lagi buku kanak-kanak dalam bahasa Melayu yang belum disenaraikan di sini. Ini adalah untuk tahap awal atau permulaan. Selamat membaca.


Buku Melayu Kanak-Kanak Singapura, Tahap Awal
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